
Making Healthy Food Choices

Vegetables, fruits, and grains are normally low in fat and have no cholesterol.  Most are great sources of dietary fiber, complex carbs, and vitamins.   The American Heart Association recommends that you eat foods that are high in complex carbs and fiber. Below are some tips for making healthy food choices: -  Coconut is high in saturated fat, while olives are high in monounsaturated fats and calories.  You  should use these items sparingly to avoid getting too many calories from fat. -  When vegetable grains are cooked, saturated fat or cholesterol is often added.  For example, egg yolks may be added to bread or even pasta. -  Processed, canned, or preserved vegetables may also contain added sodium.  With some people, too much sodium (salt) may lead to high blood pressure. There are some food companies that are actually  canning vegetables with less salt.  You can look for these in the market area or choose fresh and even froz...

Nine Facts About Fiber

If you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what you need.  Even though research has shown fiber to be powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient seriously. To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are  10 facts to help. 1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease. High fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of years, fiber has been used to stop can read or visit Health Tech gallery Guide 2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest, making you feel satisfied longer 3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber. If you like the more popular foods, you probably need to increase your intake of fiber. 4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is actually plant matter that we cannot dig...

Nutrition For The Elderly

Healthy eating and nutrition for the elderly is  greatly impacted by several factors, one of them being a change in body composition.  During the later years in life, the body will lose bone and muscle and gain fat because the hormones aren't very active anymore. There are many factors which hinder an elderly person's health.  The information below will help you to lead a healthy life - no matter how old you may be. Water Water in the body decreases with age, so many older folks will become dehydrated very easily.  Sometimes they won't feel thirsty, while other times it's  too much work to pour a glass a water.  With this  in mind, it's recommended that they drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight. Protein At this stage in life, protein is very important. Protein is needed to support a healthy immune system and prevent the wasting of muscle.  Since energy needs are less, older folks should eat high quality protein such as eg...

The Healthiest Foods You Can Get

The following is a list of the healthiest foods that you can get.  This will help you get an idea as  to what foods are the best for your body. Fruits Apricots Apricots contain Beta-carotene which helps to  prevent radical damage and also helps to protect the eyes.  A single apricot contains 17 calories,  0 fat, and one gram of fiber.  You can eat them dried or soft. Mango A medium sized mango packs 57 MG of vitamin C,  which is nearly your entire daily dose.  This antioxidant will help prevent arthritis and also boost your immune system.   Cantaloupe Cantaloupes contain 117 GG of vitamin C, which is almost twice the recommended dose.  Half a melon contains 853 MG of potassium, which is nearly  twice as much as a banana, which helps to lower blood pressure.  Half a melon contains 97 calories,  1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of fiber. Tomato  A tomato can help cut the risk of bladder, stomach, and colon cancers in hal...

Tips For Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a way of balancing the food you eat to keep your body in great health.  With healthy eating, you'll have energy all day, get the vitamins and minerals you need, stay strong for activities you enjoy, and maintain a healthy weight. Below, you'll find tips designed to help you with healthy eating. 1.  Don't skip any meals Eating 3 meals with snacks in between is the ideal way to maintain both energy and a healthy weight. When you skip meals and get hungry, you're more than likely to choose foods that aren't very good for you. If you are eating away from home, take food with  you or know where you can buy healthy food from. 2.  Learn about how to prepare foods Instead of deep frying, try grilling, stir frying, microwaving, baking, and even boiling.  You should also try fresh or even dried herbs and spices to  add flavor to your food.  Before you eat any type of meat, be sure to trim the fat and skin off of  it. 3.  Avoid a lot o...

Tips For Healthy Holiday Eatiing

When the holidays arrive, many people forget all about their diets and healthy eating.  Weight  gains of 7 - 10 pounds are common between  Halloween and Christmas.  To make the holidays easier, these tips will help you with healthy eating through the season and not gaining weight. Most traditional foods can be made low fat.   Turkey is very lean without the skin, and gravy can be made without any fat.  Potatoes that are served without butter can be very healthy.  The beloved pumpkin pie is nutritious, although it  can be made into a fatty dessert with the adding of whipped cream. Even though the holidays are in, don't forget  about the exercise.  Keeping weight off during the holiday season is burning off the extra  calories.  You should plan a walk after meals,  park farther from stores when you shop, and  take a few walks around the mall before you  begin shopping. During holiday parties and at family dinn...